
Approximate Daily Schedule

This is an example of our daily schedule.  We will try to keep it as consistent as possible to provide structure and routine for the students.

9:30-9:40 Table Time-  The students will come in put their stuff away and then go to their table to play with education toys or manipulatives.  Getting them to work right away while waiting to have our complete class will help us maximize our time together.

9:40-10:00  Welcome Time-  We will come to the carpet and get going!!  Here we will say the Pledge of Allegiance, do our Calendar, Weather, and introduce the new concept for the day.

10:00-10:40  Center Time-  Here we will work on our new concept.  We will have 3 different activities that we will rotate between to provide many learning opportunities.  This will be the time the students work on cutting, gluing, writing and other important skills.

10:40-10:55 Play Time-  If the weather is nice, we will take the students out to run and play and get their wiggles out.  During the colder months we will have activities inside where they will get to move and play.

10:55-11:00:  Snack Time - We will have a snack to get them through the rest of the day!  We will try to provide nutritional yet fun snacks for the students.

11:00-11:20  Project Time- For this last half hour we will work on an art project that has to do with our theme.  It will be a fun hands on activity that all the students should enjoy.

10:20-11:30 Circle Time-  This is the time of day that we will wrap up.  We will review what we learned, sing a song, or read a story.