Our Staff

Hi my name is Shannon Kingston. I am married with three wonderful children ranging in age from 10 to 13 years of age.  We love sports and are running from one game to the next!  I enjoy playing and coaching soccer, running, reading, and watching my kids in all their various activities.

I graduated from Southern Utah University in Elementary Education with minors in Reading and Early Childhood Development. I did all my practicums and teaching in preschools and I love this age of children.  They are so sweet and so excited to learn, I can't help but be excited myself!   I taught Elementary school for 3 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I am so excited to get back to sharing my love for learning!

My goal is to have each student ready for kindergarten.  I want them to be able to excel in the social, behavioral and academic aspects of school.  We will work hard and have fun so that they will feel confident and prepared for all that kindergarten brings!