
In order to make sure that our students, parents and teachers have the most positive experience possible the following policies will be in effect beginning September 1, 2019.

1. Tuition & Fees 

A non-refundable $50 registration and materials fee will be due at the time of registration.

Tuition for Tuesday/Thursday will be $80 per month. Tuition for the Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday class will be $100 per month.
Tuition is due the first school day of each session.  Tuition paid after the 3rd class will be charged a $5.00 late fee.

Little Learners Preschool will follow the Davis County School District traditional Calendar. 

2. Attendance Policy. I prepare every day as if all children will be in attendance. Therefore, you are charged whether your child is in attendance or not.
If you want to contact me when your child will be missing, I will be happy to pass along work/projects they can do at home.

3. Drop off and Pick Up Policy. Please bring your child to school on time. That being said, please do not drop your child off early.  I will open the door promptly at 9:30 showing that class is ready to start.  When dropping off your child, please do not pull into the driveway. Just pull along the street on the same side of the house. We will have an adult at the front door to welcome them in each day. When picking up please be on time. We will have an adult bring them to the front door for pick-up promptly at 11:30. If you come later than 11:45 (without prior arrangements with the teacher) there will be a $10 fee add to the next session's tuition.

4. Snack Policy You will be asked to provide the snack a few times each year. I will provide all snacks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We ask the parents to rotate bringing the snack on Thursdays for the Tues/Thurs class and on Thursday for the Tues/Wed/Thurs class. I will send home a snack bucket and note when it is your turn. Please have your child help you prepare the snack. When your child brings the snack to preschool they get to be the special helper that day.

5. Bathroom Policy. All students need to be potty trained and be able to handle all their bathroom needs on their own. If a student has an accident their parent will be called and the student will be made as comfortable as possible until the parent arrives.

6. Health Policy. I require every child to wash their hands before eating any snack, after using the bathroom, and after touching any animals. I also require that your child use liquid hand sanitizer at times throughout the preschool day. If your child has a fever, severe runny nose, cough, rash, or goopy eyes, please keep them home.

7. Stain Policy. I will take all necessary precautions to prevent stains from happening by providing aprons to wear and washable paint. Craft/project time plays a huge role in helping your child’s hand/eye coordination and in expressing themselves. Please keep this in mind when dressing them on preschool days! Please check the calendar ahead of time as every attempt will be made to inform parents of days where possible stains might occur.

8. Birthdays. Each child will be spotlighted on or near his/her birthday; birthdays that occur while the preschool is not in session will be spotlighted as close to their actual birthday as possible. Each child will be sung to and given a small gift.  If you would like to bring a treat, please contact me to set that up.

9. Show and Tell. We will have show and tell several times throughout the year. It will always be marked on the calendar so that you will be able to prepare for it. Please only bring items that are asked for on the calendar. Also please only have them bring items from home when asked for to limit distractions as well as losing things.

10. Class changes: While I do not anticipate changes and/or cancellations to the schedule it is inevitable that on occasion due to illness or other life events that a class will need to be canceled or moved. I will always make up class days missed, most likely on a Friday. I will give you as much notice as possible.

11. Safety Policy. Your child's safety is of utmost concern to me. Though safety is emphasized and encouraged in every possible way during preschool, unfortunately, accidents do sometimes occur. I will take every precaution that I possibly can, but please be aware that I will not be held liable for any hospital or insurance claims from injuries that have occurred on my preschool premises. Please take comfort in knowing that each day your child will have constant adult supervision, safety rules expected and maintained, and a child-proofed environment. As part of our preparation each member of our staff will be required to complete CPR and First Aid certification training.

12. Notice of leaving If you move or otherwise decide to leave the preschool I will need a minimum of one session's notice. That will enable me to fill your spot without losing income. If the notice is not in advance the tuition will be still be due.

13. Field Trips. We hope to provide at least two field trips this year. I will give plenty of notice before each field trip so that you can mark it on your calendar and attend if you would like.